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Published March 13, 2024

The Importance of Online Mandated Reporter Training

Discover how mandated reporter training can boost child welfare and benefit communities.

By Mandated Reporter Academy


Child abuse causes a wide range of long-term health issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It also may correlate with physical health problems like malnutrition, heart disease, and diabetes. Effective mandated reporter training can help prevent these harms and promote child wellbeing while strengthening communities, and supporting organizations required to provide this training.

Why Is Mandated Reporter Training Important?

Mandated reporters are legally obligated to report child abuse. Mandated reporters include teachers, child care professionals, doctors, nurses, clergy members, babysitters, social workers, law enforcement and many others whose work (paid or volunteer) involves interacting with children.  

Mandated reporters must not only report physical and sexual abuse but also emotional abuse. They may also need to report domestic violence within the home even if it is not directed at the child.

Mandated Reporting Saves Lives

Why do schools need to provide mandated reporter training for teachers and other personnel? The answer lies in statistics. In 2020, the last available year for reports, about 1,750 children died in the U.S, because of child abuse. 

While not all child abuse is life threatening, more than 4 million referrals are made to the child protective services each year in the U.S.

Child Abuse Impacts More Than Just Children

Child abuse also negatively impacts entire communities. When you combine the costs associated with criminal justice system, public assistance, and healthcare, and the long-term consequences involving self-destructive behaviors, child abuse costs the U.S. economy $20.9 billion annually.

Survivors of abuse also are 77% more likely to need special education and perform worse in school, have more frequent absences, and have a 200% higher unemployment rate than people who were not abused.

Abuse is also frequently cyclical. Anywhere between 25% and 35% of people who were abused as children will grow up to be abusers as well. Intervention can help to break this cycle of abuse with education, nurturing relationship and support, resources, and when necessary, removal of children from dangerous situations. 

Communities outside the family also suffer. Abuse survivors have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse. They also are more likely to be unemployed, homeless, underperforming in both school and the workplace, and have higher incarceration rates.

Taken together, these consequences of childe abuse put significant strains government and community resources.

Benefits of Online Mandated Reporter Training

With online evidence-based training, mandated reporters can learn on their own schedule at their own pace. For organizations that have employees and volunteers who need training, online mandated reporter training is more scalable and affordable than in-person training. Online training can also help continuing education credit requirements. In addition, an online mandated reporter training platform makes administrative recordkeeping and certification management easier for individuals and organizations.

Mandated Reporter Training Outcomes

Those who complete the iLookOut for Child Abuse through the Mandated Reporter Academy will learn the following:

  • What does and what does not constitute child abuse
  • How and where abuse occurs
  • Risk factors for abuse
  • Signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Consequences of abuse
  • Strategies and resources for responding to suspected abuse

In addition to recognizing abuse, those who complete the iLookOut course will know their specific responsibilities as a mandated reporter, including:

  • Legal responsibilities
  • Steps for carrying out these responsibilities
  • Consequences of failing to report suspected abuse
  • Legal immunity so long as the report is made in good faith

Mandated reporters will have the tools and knowledge to help stop abuse when they recognize it and be prepared to do their part to reduce the impacts of child abuse on both kids and their communities.

Partner With Mandated Reporter Academy

Now that you know the benefits of online mandated reporter training, consider the Mandated Reporter Academy and the iLookOut program as your comprehensive solution. Contact us to become a partner and save lives.

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